LifeWatch aims to advance biodiversity and ecosystem research and to provide major contributions to addressing big environmental challenges such as climate change by providing access through a pan-European distributed e-infrastructure to large sets of data, services and tools that enable the creation of virtual laboratories and decision-support applications. Thanks to these virtual research environments, specific...
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SMARTER will develop and deploy innovative strategies to improve Resilience and Efficiency (R&E) related traits in sheep and goats. SMARTER will find these strategies by: i) generating and validating novel R&E related traits at a phenotypic and genetic level ii) improving and developing new genome-based solutions and tools relevant for the data structure and size...
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BRANCHES final objective is improving and strengthen the connection between practice (foresters, farmers, SMEs and public administration in rural areas), and science (official research bodies, technology centres and universities), offering a channel to two-way flow of information and new ideas for the adoption of bioenergy solutions within European agro and forestry practitioners and environment Deadline...
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eLTER PLUS will connect major scientific user communities with the site networks and its data/services,l work on detailed site and observation specifications and pilot the technical service development Deadline 31 January 2025 Category HORIZON 2020 INFRAIA 2019-1 Institute IBE – Institute of Bioeconomy Author Giorgio Matteucci Link Area Progettuale Multifunzionalit delle produzioni agricole,...
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