Holistic design of taller timber buildings

The main objective of the HELEN COST Action is to foster international interest and effort in developing
a shared understanding and deriving common guidelines for the Holistic dEsign of talLer timbEr
buildiNgs. The synergistic HELEN network will be formed by a large group of experts from a wide field
of the built environment sector, where researchers and industrial partners will exchange knowledge and
skills that have historically been isolated to individual research fields.

Deadline 11 November 2025

Programme COST Action, CA20139

Institute IBE – Institute of Bioeconomy

Contact DANIELE CASAGRANDE daniele.casagrande@ibe.cnr.it


Link https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/how-to-participate/org-details/903063502/project/400619060/program/31059093/details

Area Multifunctionality of agricultural and livestock production and the forest-wood sector