LIFE Regenerate (LIFE16 ENV/ES/000276) – Revitalizing multifunctional Mediterranean agrosilvopastoral systems using dynamic and profitable operational practices

LIFE Regenerate intends to prove a sustainable and profitable new businessmodel for small and medium-sized farms on oak-based silvopastoral systems inSpain and Sardinia. Its main objective is to demonstrate that these farms canbecome self-sufficient and profitable based on added value production and resource efficiency, while conserving nature. The project has the following specific objectives: Combat the loss of natural regeneration and soil degradation in degradedsilvopastoral areas by providing effective, mosaic landscape managementprocedures, improving soil quality and increasing biodiversity; Recover the practice of multi-species rotational grazing, adapted to improvenatural capital and optimise commercial advantages; andRecycle biomass waste within the farm, reducing external input of fodderand creating alternative sources of income. In particular, the project willexplore the development of the following revenue streams: organicfertiliser, high-protein cattle feed, and cultivation of edible mushrooms.

Deadline 29 October 2022

Programme LIFE+


Contact Antonello Franca

Role Partner


Area Ottimizzazione dell’uso delle risorse naturali negli ecosistemi agricoli e forestali