C-NEUTRAL FARMING – Towards net zero carbon livestock farming

This international network of farmers and advisers would provide a forum for knowledge exchange, developing collaboration across the farming sector and driving behavioural change. This would facilitate the advance of sustainable approaches in farming and generate new ideas for meeting increasing demand of carbon neutral products by consumers? and policymakers. The network would create a platform to engage with farmer groups, carrying out audits to measure existing carbon footprint, and establish a network of independent advisers to work with the farmers, educating, communicating and providing advice. This network would provide a vehicle for conversation and knowledge exchange by connecting primary producers and advisers whilst also engaging with consumers and markets linking with the aims and ambitions of EIT Food.

Deadline 31/12/2022

Programme EIT Food

Institute IBE – Institute of Bioeconomy

Contact Pierpaolo Duce pierpaolo.duce@ibe.cnr.it

Link https://www.eitfood.eu/projects/c-neutral-farming


Area Multifunctionality of agricultural and livestock production and the forest-wood sector