Since 2001, the CNR has reviewed the organizational structure of its scientific network creating a number of Departments with the task to coordinate its research institutes and interdisciplinary strategies in order to promote skills and ideas for new approaches and working methods of researchers.
Initially, CNR worked as a governmental advisory body and a funding entity for university research. Since 1989, the CNR became a research institution aiming at carrying out research projects financed with its own funds or those provided by national, international and local organizations. Its mission is to promote the internationalization of the national research system, the innovation and competitiveness of the industrial system, provide technologies and solutions for emerging needs in the public and private sector.
La sua missione è promuovere l?internazionalizzazione del sistema di ricerca nazionale, l?innovazione e la competitività del sistema industriale e di fornire tecnologie e soluzioni ai bisogni emergenti nel settore pubblico e privato.Since 2001, the CNR has reviewed the organizational structure of its scientific network creating a number of Departments with the task to coordinate its research institutes and interdisciplinary strategies in order to promote skills and ideas for new approaches and working methods of researchers.
To date, there are seven Departments scientifically depending on the CNR President and the General Scientific Council