CURE-FX aims to establish a multidisciplinary research program to answer the urgent need to improve prevention, early detection and control of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). An appropriate approach to this emergency should include a coordination and multidisciplinary interaction between a plurality of competences and it can be facilitated by a more intense exchange and mobility of researchers.The objectives of CURE-FX are: To exchange the scientific capacities and novelties among the European Countries as well as between EU and third countries, in particular sensitive neighbor countries. To strengthen the knowledge and the know-how on Xf in third countries having intense exchange of plant material with Europe. To raise awareness in relation to Xf. These objectives will be acheived through: Strengthen preventive measures by consolidating expertise and awareness of plant health agencies, decision-makers and relevant stakeholders; Analyze Xf-hosts interaction and epidemiology; Develop advanced diagnostic tools for the detection and characterization of Xf and associated vectors; Consolidate innovative approaches for disease prevention, monitoring and control; Improving pest risk analysis, phytosanitary legislations and contingency measures for a safe plant material trade and Integrating with current platforms for adequate communication and dissemination ensuring an effective knowledge transfer among the various actors involved.
Deadline 31 August 2021
Category HORIZON 2020 MSCA-RISE – MSCA-RISE – Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)
Institute IPSP – Institute for sustainable plant protection
Contact Maria Saponari
Role Partner
Area Progettuale Sustainable intensification of agriculture and forest production