IBISBA 1.0 is a H2020-funded infrastructure (Grant number 730976) project that aims to create a pan-European network of research infrastructure that will support research in industrial biotechnology.
Bringing together R&D facilities from 9 EU member states, IBISBA 1.0 provides access to first class infrastructure for all industrial biotechnology professionals, including academic researchers, SMEs and large companies.
The IBISBA 1.0 network will offer funded-access through its transnational access program and will develop a variety of activities, such as training, that will benefit the wider scientific community.
Focusing on e-services, the IBISBA 1.0 project will also develop a dedicated knowledge hub that will provide users with FAIR access to a wide variety of project assets, such as standard operating protocols (SOPs), workflows publically-accessible, project deliverables and datasets.
Looking to the future, the overarching aim of IBISBA 1.0 project is to create a European distributed research infrastructure that will provide a range of research support services to the Industrial Biotechnology community in Europe and worldwide.
Deadline 31 May 2022
Programme HORIZON 2020 ESFRI – RIA
Institute DISBA – Department of Biology, Agriculture and Food Sciences
Contact Beatrice Cobucci Ponzano beatrice.cobucciponzano@ibbr.cnr.it
Role Partner
Link https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/730976/it
Area Multifunctionality of agricultural and livestock production and the forest-wood sector