SusMedHouse – Efficient, Eco-Friendly, Sustainable Mediterranean Greenhouse Integrated with Artificial Intelligence, Hi-Tech Automation and Control System

SusMedHouse will (1) promote the sustainability and competitiveness of Mediterrane-an greenhouse and intensive horticulture, (2) increase production amount and period for all-year round, overall efficiency of the Mediterranean greenhouses, (3) present cost-effective and socially accepted new cultivation methods aimed at improving hand-labour conditions, while providing novel tools assisting farmers to improve ma-nagement, (4) provide a novel environmentally friendly integrated pest and pathogen management practices, (5) minimize the disposal of residues and contaminants to the environment with new bio-degradable growth media to be developed.

Deadline 2022

Programme PRIMA PROGRAMME PRIMA Call Section 1: Farming Systems
Topic 1.2.2: Sustainability and Competitiveness of Mediterranean Greenhouse and Intensive Horticulture

Institute ISAFOM – Institute for agricultural and forest systems in the Mediterranean

Contact Roberto Altieri Alessandro Esposito

Role Partner


Area Ottimizzazione dell’uso delle risorse naturali negli ecosistemi agricoli e forestali