Sviluppo di efficienti procedure di crioconservazione (conservazione in azoto liquido, a -196?C) e costituzione di una criobanca per la salvaguardia di risorse genetiche minacciate della Georgia

The emphasis will be put on forest woody Angiosperms and Gymnosperms with non-orthodox seeds and a very limited storage period, as well as vegetatively-propagated trees. The list of target plants will include: Castanea sativa Mill. (IUCN category VU, A2), Juglans regia L. (IUCN category VU, A2), Taxus baccata L. (IUCN category VU, B1b (i,ii). Selected broad-leave and coniferous species are the dominants of forest phytocoenosis of Georgia and remain on the verge of extinction due to the low self-renewal and diseases.
Objective 1: To screen in detail the current utilization of plant conservation measures in region. Current research on plant preservation in region is limited and not coordinated. Hence, a listing of all initiatives that are currently ongoing is essential.
Objective 2: To screen and compare the efficiency of existing plant cryopreservation protocols, and to test them with the selected Georgian endangered species.
Objective 3: To develop and optimize plant cryopreservation protocols. The resulting cryopreservation protocols will be: efficient (at least 50 % post-thaw recovery), user-friendly (technically not too demanding and with a limited number of steps), fast (thus applicable to large amounts of germplasm), broad (applicable to a wide variety of plant species and tissues).
Objective 4: To apply cryopreservation to existing ex situ germplasm collections, as well as to in vitro collections, and create a cryobank of endangered Georgian woody plant germplasm.

Deadline 30/06/2021

Programme ACCORDI BILATERALI CNR/SRNSF biennio 2018-2019 / 2019-2020

Institute IBE – Institute of Bioeconomy

Contact Maurizio Lambardi


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