The main goal of BeXyl is to develop research and innovation actions to implement tailored and integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for mitigating Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) impact in Europe. The proposedresearch workplan will benefit from the active involvement of growers and the society to raise awarenessand to facilitate the adoption of control strategies to limit...
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Soil health is crucial for challenges related to climate, environment and society. As such, this Soil Health and Food Mission proposal directly links in to the other HE missions, as well as to the European Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategies. Both public and private sectors are proposing a sustainable vision, that depends on...
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La biomassa residua generata in Europa viene impiegata per la produzione di compost e di alimenti per animali, oppure viene smaltita in sicurezza. Tale biomassa è ricca di vari composti bioattivi, benefici per la salute e il benessere umano, ma la mancanza di tecnologie per la loro estrazione e preservazione impedisce l?uso della biomassa in...
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Forest ecosystems across the world are facing high pressures due to climate changes. In many areas, they are in a transition to adopt the changes. However, many are damaged in this process. It is crucial to make forest ecosystems more resistant to face these challenges, through resilience strengthening and close-to-nature forestry. Implementing such approaches and...
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The key objective of PASTINNOVA is to re-enforce the sustainability, profitability and resilience of small pastoral farms, by setting up innovations, business and organizational models (IBM) to valorise their full potential as drivers towards agro-ecological transition in livestock production. PASTINNOVA examines pastoral systems which ? despite the multiple challenges they face – are able to...
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The main objective of the HELEN COST Action is to foster international interest and effort in developing a shared understanding and deriving common guidelines for the Holistic dEsign of talLer timbEr buildiNgs. The synergistic HELEN network will be formed by a large group of experts from a wide field of the built environment sector, where...
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Il progetto è dedicato all?analisi dei geminivirus che infettano pomodoro e cucurbitaceae, considerati specie invasive ed emergenti, e si occupa del monitoraggio e della prevenzione delle infezioni. Si valuterà il ?geminiviroma circolante? attraverso la tecnologia VEM applicata ai vettori di geminivirus raccolti in 5 paesi del Mediterraneo, Francia, Italia, Tunisia Giordania e Marocco. Si valuterà...
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Le projet MED-Star fait face au défi de renforcer la capacité de prévision, prévention et suppression des incendies dans la zone de coopération afin de protéger et valoriser les ressources environnementales, culturelles et touristiques de l?espace ?Marittimo?. L?objectif général est de contribuer à l?amélioration de la capacité des institutions publiques de prévénir et gérer le...
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SheepToShip LIFE seeks to contribute in a practical way to EU climate change objectives by helping to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from the sheep farming sector and dairy supply chain in Sardinia. The main objective of the project is to reduce by 20% in 10 years greenhouse gas emissions (nitrous oxide, methane and carbon...
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Innovative Renewable Material Uses living laboratory (LL InnoRenew) in which stakeholders representing industry, consumers, and researchers are gathered to collaboratively explore, design and validate themes, opportunities, and risks for new innovative renewable material based products, services and systems. Deadline 2022 Programme living laboratory Institute IBE – Institute of Bioeconomy Contact Giovanna Bochicchio Role Partner...
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