Relevance of the project to the specific call: The ongoing process of globalwarming is causing dramatic changes in environmental conditions worldwide.Predictions show that many regions will become more arid, which will impact onlocal crop cultivation. In many Mediterranean Countries grapevine is one of the mosteconomically and culturally important crop. As a woody perennial plant, grapevine...
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 Drought and heat are major abiotic stresses that reduce crop productivity and jeopardize food security in the Mediterranean in the context of the growing impacts of Climate Change (CC). Agroforestry (AF) practices contribute to enhance resilience through Biodiversity (BD) conservation and livelihood diversity, by also bringing economic benefits. Mixed Farming (MF) can reduce chemical inputs...
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The aim of the LIFE SySTEMiC project (Close-to-nature foreSt SusTainablE Management under Climate Changes) is to use the ?tool? of genetic diversity to protect our forests against climate changes. The basic idea is relatively simple: the higher the genetic diversity of the trees in a forest, the more likely it is that some trees will have genetic characteristics that make...
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The project will give an insight into the diversity of European forests and their resilience to climate change. The project uses state-of-the-art technology and knowledge in plant and evolutionary biology, ecology, remote-sensing, genomics, genetics, modelling, and forestry. It aims to upgrade the current European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS) platform, by adding new...
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La cellula al centro del progetto Il progetto CELAVIE crea una rete sinergica tra due sistemi di produzione: quello della riproduzione di specie animali acquatiche e quello delle piante. Tutto in una ?cellula? facilmente trasportabile, modulare ed energeticamente autosufficiente. La cellula è infatti un?unità tecnologica che ospita al suo interno sia le piante che i...
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Functional foods can be improved by addition of bioactive nutrients to enhance health and mitigate disease conditions. Encapsulation can also be used to facilitate the absorption of poorly assimilated compounds. Innovative nanoscale methods are creating alternative delivery options for nutraceuticals. The EU-funded greenEV project proposes the development of a continuous plant tissue culturing system for...
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#RIF! Deadline #RIF! Programme #RIF! Institute IBBR – Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources Contact #RIF! Link Role Partner
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Here, we propose a network-biology based approach to detect and test SMN-independent treatment options. The approval of Spinraza has been a milestone for the treatment of SMA the last years. However, still there are a number of non-responders and many patients have been symptomatic for years. This is a significant problem since a delayed intervention...
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Verranno analizzati geni candidati per la sintesi della oleuropeina che ? uno dei composti secondari principali di olivo per il suo interesse nutraceutico. Deadline 2019/2020 Category STM 2019 Institute IBBR – Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources Contact person Ornella Calderini Link Role Partner
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l’accoppiamento covalente di due o pi? enzimi ? considerato strategico per aumentare l’efficienza delle reazioni enzimatiche a pi? fasi, denominate anche ?reazioni a cascata?. Ci? ? permette l?espansione e il miglioramento del loro impiego nelle produzioni industriali o nei sistemi diagnostici, in particolare per la rilevazione di glicosidi di cui non si dispone ancora di...
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