La migrazione dei lavoratori rurali verso i centri urbani si osserva in modo particolare in Africa occidentale ed è associata all?ascesa dell?agricoltura periurbana. Le fasi iniziali dell?intensificazione dell?agricoltura nei paesi a basso e medio reddito comportano solitamente la concentrazione della produzione in aree periurbane. Nonostante i vantaggi significativi, la pratica solleva preoccupazioni per la salute...
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Deliver new knowledge, tools and insight to breeders and scientists facilitatinggreater consideration of root and rhizosphere traits and their interaction in breedingprograms and in all breeding related activities. In addition, practicalrecommendations for breeders and farmers will be delivered to increaseresilience (abiotic stress tolerance) and adaptation (reduced inputs and resource useefficiency) in the scope of climate...
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The PhotoSynH2 project aims at engineering photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria) encoding new genes able to link both reactions while preventing both the inhibition by oxygen and the dissipation of electrons in metabolic reactionsDeadline  30/09/2027Category HORIZON EUROPE – AGInstitute IBE – Institute of BioeconomyContact GIUSEPPE TORZILLO giuseppe.torzillo@cnr.itRole PartnerLink
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ll fosforo è un composto essenziale per la crescita del grano. A causa delle massicce applicazioni di fertilizzanti al fosforo dagli anni ?60 alla metà degli anni ?80, la disponibilità di fosforo dal suolo non è, al giorno d?oggi, un problema importante per il grano tenero nella maggior parte dei paesi dell?Europa occidentale. Tuttavia, recenti...
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The main aim of ASTER is the building up of a management model for small producersof tomato through the application of the main agroecology principles, to improve theresilience, the ecosystem services and the circularity of this crop in the MediterraneanBasin. Main pillars of the model will be: (i) the protection and the enhancement offunctional biodiversity...
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The BIOMEnext overall objective is to implement innovative, composite andeco-friendly farming systems to enhance the resilience of Mediterranean fruit farmingto climate change, a significant challenge for agriculture.The project aims to design an olive grove that combines, in a holistic logic, the valor-ization of traditional genotypes showing the best resilience traits, the developmentof new microorganism consortia,...
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Broadleaved trees are defined as trees and shrubs of the botanical group Angiospermae (opposed to conifers trees, belonging to the Gymnospermae). Broadleaved include both deciduous trees (leafless for a certain period during the year in connection with the unfavourable season) such as Quercus robur, and evergreen trees (never entirely without green foliage) such as. Stone...
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La gestione delle risorse idriche nell?Africa orientale è una questione delicata, legata alla sicurezza alimentare e alla gestione delle risorse idriche in agricoltura, strettamente connessa alla sostenibilità di altre risorse naturali, come la biodiversità e il funzionamento degli ecosistemi, il suolo, l?energia e allo stile di vita. In Africa orientale, i benefici delle risorse agricole...
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IFavoriser la transition vers des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires durables et résilients aux changements climatiques au Burkina Faso et au Niger à travers la valorisation de l’agro-biodiversité locale pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire et améliorer les moyens de subsistance des communautés rurales Deadline 2024 Programme AICS – FOOD/2021/422-681 Institute ISPA – Institute of Sciences of...
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In RESCHEDULE, we hypothesize that improvements in farms adaptation to climate change extremes in the Mediterranean at scales able to cause impact require the adoption of integrated and easily adjustable approaches that consider all the types of resilience. To meet this goal, RESCHEDULE assembles a multidisciplinary consortium and a wide spectrum of stakeholders; encouraging their...
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