Apomixis, or asexual seed formation, is an alternative way to sexual reproduction that some plants use to produce viable seeds containing genetic clones of the female parent. Although it is regarded as a promising tool for breeders and farmers, apomixis does not occur in most food crops. Redirecting sexually reproducing species toward apomixis is awaited...
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SHOWCASE will review and test the effectiveness of a range of economic and societal incentives to implement biodiversity management in farming operations and examine farmer and public acceptance.Focus will be on three promising approaches: (i) result-based incentives, (ii) involvement in citizen science biodiversity monitoring and (iii) biodiversity-based business models. Deadline 31 October 2025 Programme HORIZON...
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The goal of B4EST is to increase forest survival, health, resilience and productivity under climate change and natural disturbances, while maintaining genetic diversity and key ecological functions, and fostering a competitive EU bio-based economy. B4EST will provide forest tree breeders, forest managers and owners, and policy makers with: 1) better scientific knowledge on adaptation profiles...
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