The aim of the LIFE SySTEMiC project (Close-to-nature foreSt SusTainablE Management under Climate Changes) is to use the “tool” of genetic diversity to protect our forests against climate changes. The basic idea is relatively simple: the higher the genetic diversity of the trees in a forest, the more likely it is that some trees will have genetic characteristics that make...
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LIFE Regenerate intends to prove a sustainable and profitable new businessmodel for small and medium-sized farms on oak-based silvopastoral systems inSpain and Sardinia. Its main objective is to demonstrate that these farms canbecome self-sufficient and profitable based on added value production and resource efficiency, while conserving nature. The project has the following specific objectives: Combat...
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The main purpose of the LIFE4FIR project is to increase the genetic diversity and improving the state of conservation of the highly endangered Abies nebrodensis population (only 30 adult plants living in a unique relict natural population). This population is affected by a dramatic genetic erosion and by a poor natural regeneration. Deadline 31/07/23 Programme...
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LIFE MycoRestore seeks to utilize diverse mycological resources and forest management practices to add value to and aid in the biological resilience of forests in Spain, Italy, and Portugal, generating new sources of income and ensuring the stability of forest ecosystem services while addressing the effects of Climate Changes Deadline 30/06/23 Programme LIFE+ Institute IPSP...
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SheepToShip LIFE seeks to contribute in a practical way to EU climate change objectives by helping to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from the sheep farming sector and dairy supply chain in Sardinia. The main objective of the project is to reduce by 20% in 10 years greenhouse gas emissions (nitrous oxide, methane and carbon...
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Calendula maritima Guss. is a herbaceous plant species, with annual or short perennial life cycle depending on water availability as well as on the intensity and length of summer water stress. It plays a key functional role within a variety of coastal ecosystems, even affecting their physiognomy. Currently it often takes part to nitrophilous and...
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LIFE RESILIENCE aims to develop through crossbreeding pathogen-resistant and productive olive genotypes along with innovate natural vector control methods that are effective in preventing the negative effects of XF. In this way, the project will lead to the production varieties of olive and olive oils with a range of organoleptic qualities, increasing their competitiveness on...
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LIFE MAGIS – Made Green in Italy Scheme supports the diffusion of the Made Green in Italy” scheme, promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Environment to valorize Italian products with the best environmental performances. We want to help Made in Italy products with a high environmental quality to be recognizable on the market. We...
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