The main goal of BeXyl is to develop research and innovation actions to implement tailored and integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for mitigating Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) impact in Europe. The proposedresearch workplan will benefit from the active involvement of growers and the society to raise awarenessand to facilitate the adoption of control strategies to limit...
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Soil health is crucial for challenges related to climate, environment and society. As such, this Soil Health and Food Mission proposal directly links in to the other HE missions, as well as to the European Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategies. Both public and private sectors are proposing a sustainable vision, that depends on...
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The SCALA-MEDI project will characterise the genetic and phenotypic diversity of Mediterranean local breeds of sheep and chicken and study their ability to adapt to harsh environments and management systems. The project will leverage data produced in EU projects and generate new data, including traditional production traits and using new technologies for remote phenotyping of...
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The MOSOM (Mapping of Soil Organic Matter) project aims to develop an accurate, efficient and convenient tool for remote assessment of organic matter within soil. Organic matter is recognised as an important indicator of soil structure and quality, of ecological balance and stability of the biosphere. The ability to assess and track changes in soil...
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The project will give an insight into the diversity of European forests and their resilience to climate change. The project uses state-of-the-art technology and knowledge in plant and evolutionary biology, ecology, remote-sensing, genomics, genetics, modelling, and forestry. It aims to upgrade the current European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS) platform, by adding new...
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La cellula al centro del progetto Il progetto CELAVIE crea una rete sinergica tra due sistemi di produzione: quello della riproduzione di specie animali acquatiche e quello delle piante. Tutto in una ?cellula? facilmente trasportabile, modulare ed energeticamente autosufficiente. La cellula è infatti un?unità tecnologica che ospita al suo interno sia le piante che i...
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Wildfires represent a significant challenge for both society and the economy. The EU-funded FirEUrisk project will develop, assess, and promote a science-based integrated strategy to improve existing wildland fire risk assessment, create efficient methods to reduce fire risk and adapt management strategies for future climate and socioeconomic changes. The project will connect researchers, stakeholders, and...
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eLTER PLUS will connect major scientific user communities with the site networks and its data/services,l work on detailed site and observation specifications and pilot the technical service development Deadline 31 January 2025 Programme HORIZON 2020  – RIA Institute IBE – Institute of Bioeconomy Contact Giorgio Matteucci Role Partner Link Area Ottimizzazione dell’uso delle...
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La biomassa residua generata in Europa viene impiegata per la produzione di compost e di alimenti per animali, oppure viene smaltita in sicurezza. Tale biomassa è ricca di vari composti bioattivi, benefici per la salute e il benessere umano, ma la mancanza di tecnologie per la loro estrazione e preservazione impedisce l?uso della biomassa in...
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One of the biggest challenges currently facing humanity is noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), which are spread on the entire globe, with an increasing trend in low- and middle-income countries. Of the 57.7 million deaths that occurred worldwide in 2017, about 41 million (71%) were due to noncommunicable diseases, principally cardiovascular diseases (43.5%), cancer (22%), chronic respiratory...
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