Functional foods can be improved by addition of bioactive nutrients to enhance health and mitigate disease conditions. Encapsulation can also be used to facilitate the absorption of poorly assimilated compounds. Innovative nanoscale methods are creating alternative delivery options for nutraceuticals. The EU-funded greenEV project proposes the development of a continuous plant tissue culturing system for...
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The FREECLIMB project is built to match topic 1.2.1 of the PRIMA (Sect. 2) framework in developing smart and sustainable farming systems in Mediterranean countries, to preserve natural resources (water and land use) by increasing production efficiency. This will be pursued by advancing knowledge on mechanisms of plant environmental adaptation and biotic/abiotic stress resilience. The...
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Il progetto è dedicato all’analisi dei geminivirus che infettano pomodoro e cucurbitaceae, considerati specie invasive ed emergenti, e si occupa del monitoraggio e della prevenzione delle infezioni. Si valuterà il “geminiviroma circolante” attraverso la tecnologia VEM applicata ai vettori di geminivirus raccolti in 5 paesi del Mediterraneo, Francia, Italia, Tunisia Giordania e Marocco. Si valuterà...
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The main objective of this proposal is to conserve the biodiversity and improve the sustainability of Mediterranean date-palm agrosystems by genetic, microbio-logical and technological approaches.GreenPalm focuses not only on conservation of genetic diversity of date palm cultivars with high added value, but also considers underexploited and neglected cultivars with culinary, cosmetics or medicinal roles. Deadline...
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LEGU-MED objective is to valorize, restore and manage legume biodiversity in future Mediterranean farming systems with enhanced environmental sustainabil-ity. We have assembled a multi-disciplinary consortium composed by 11 partners from 8 countries and consisting of 5 public universities, 5 research centers and 1 company. Our activities are designed to increase ecosystem services, maintain soil fertility,...
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The project develps a real-time web-gis system for pixel wise parsimonious precise irrigation management optimizing water productivity and economic income integrating farm analysis into water irrigation district one. Deadline 2022 Programme PRIMA PROGRAMME – SECTION2 Institute ISAFOM – Institute for agricultural and forest systems in the Mediterranean Contact Francesca De Lorenzi Role Partner Link...
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SusMedHouse will (1) promote the sustainability and competitiveness of Mediterrane-an greenhouse and intensive horticulture, (2) increase production amount and period for all-year round, overall efficiency of the Mediterranean greenhouses, (3) present cost-effective and socially accepted new cultivation methods aimed at improving hand-labour conditions, while providing novel tools assisting farmers to improve ma-nagement, (4) provide a...
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