ForestNavigator aims at assessing the climate mitigation potential of European forests and forest-based sectors through modelling of policy pathways, consistent with the best standards of LULUCF reporting, and informing the public authorities on the most suitable approach to forest policy and bioeconomy. With a primarily European scope, ForestNavigator zooms into carefully selected EU Member States...
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Wildfires represent a significant challenge for both society and the economy. The EU-funded FirEUrisk project will develop, assess, and promote a science-based integrated strategy to improve existing wildland fire risk assessment, create efficient methods to reduce fire risk and adapt management strategies for future climate and socioeconomic changes. The project will connect researchers, stakeholders, and...
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eLTER PLUS will connect major scientific user communities with the site networks and its data/services,l work on detailed site and observation specifications and pilot the technical service development Deadline 31 January 2025 Programme HORIZON 2020  – RIA Institute IBE – Institute of Bioeconomy Contact Giorgio Matteucci Role Partner Link Area Ottimizzazione dell’uso delle...
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EJP SOIL is a European Joint Programme Cofund on Agricultural Soil Management contributing to key societal challenges including climate change, water and future food security. The objectives are to develop knowledge, tools and an integrated research community to foster climate-smart sustainable agricultural soil management that: Allows sustainable food production Sustains soil biodiversity Sustains soil functions...
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La biomassa residua generata in Europa viene impiegata per la produzione di compost e di alimenti per animali, oppure viene smaltita in sicurezza. Tale biomassa è ricca di vari composti bioattivi, benefici per la salute e il benessere umano, ma la mancanza di tecnologie per la loro estrazione e preservazione impedisce l?uso della biomassa in...
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Understand the relationship between intrinsic quality & husbandry in goat & poultry production systems.Study future challenges of goat and poultry industry and suggest relevant modifications and alternative business models & ecosystem management practices. Increase the added value of products.Develop novel tools/methods for product quality assessments along the value chain, as well as for animal behaviour,...
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IBISBA 1.0 is a H2020-funded infrastructure (Grant number 730976) project that aims to create a pan-European network of research infrastructure that will support research in industrial biotechnology.Bringing together R&D facilities from 9 EU member states, IBISBA 1.0 provides access to first class infrastructure for all industrial biotechnology professionals, including academic researchers, SMEs and large companies.The...
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Le micotossine rappresentano una grande preoccupazione a livello mondiale in quanto sono dannose sia per gli esseri umani che per gli animali e incidono enormemente sull?economia, con notevoli ripercussioni per la sicurezza degli alimenti e dei mangimi, la sicurezza alimentare e il commercio internazionale. Esse esercitano un effetto devastante sulle rese agricole e incidono negativamente...
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The risk of microbiological and chemical contamination of fresh and perishable food products is an event to be monitored, above all in fruit & vegetable sector. Currently, inspections for F&V are carried out at the production site or the food processing facility, based also on regulatory requirements. In most cases these are inspections of random...
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Novel encapsulation approaches to create alternative delivery options for nutraceuticals are emerging as a promising strategy to enhance the bioavailability of poorly absorbed active food ingredients. In this context, nanoTOM aims to exploit edible plant derived nanovesicles and use them as vehicles for the encapsulation, protection, release and bioavailability enhancement of selected nutraceuticals. Plant cells...
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