The main objective of this proposal is to conserve the biodiversity and improve the sustainability of Mediterranean date-palm agrosystems by genetic, microbio-logical and technological approaches.GreenPalm focuses not only on conservation of genetic diversity of date palm cultivars with high added value, but also considers underexploited and neglected cultivars with culinary, cosmetics or medicinal roles. Deadline...
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The project develps a real-time web-gis system for pixel wise parsimonious precise irrigation management optimizing water productivity and economic income integrating farm analysis into water irrigation district one. Deadline 2022 Programme PRIMA PROGRAMME – SECTION2 Institute ISAFOM – Institute for agricultural and forest systems in the Mediterranean Contact Francesca De Lorenzi Role Partner Link...
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SusMedHouse will (1) promote the sustainability and competitiveness of Mediterrane-an greenhouse and intensive horticulture, (2) increase production amount and period for all-year round, overall efficiency of the Mediterranean greenhouses, (3) present cost-effective and socially accepted new cultivation methods aimed at improving hand-labour conditions, while providing novel tools assisting farmers to improve ma-nagement, (4) provide a...
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l’accoppiamento covalente di due o piů enzimi č considerato strategico per aumentare l’efficienza delle reazioni enzimatiche a piů fasi, denominate anche ?reazioni a cascata?. Ciň č permette l?espansione e il miglioramento del loro impiego nelle produzioni industriali o nei sistemi diagnostici, in particolare per la rilevazione di glicosidi di cui non si dispone ancora di...
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Le attivitŕ progettuali hanno come obiettivo la standardizzazione di una metodica multi-micotossina per la determinazione di tricoteceni (nivalenolo, deossinivalenolo e derivati acetilati, tossine T2 e HT2 e zearalenone), in frumento duro, semole e prodotti derivati. Come richiesto dal mandato, la metodica proposta č basata sulla cromatografia liquida ad alte prestazioni accoppiata alla spettrometria di massa...
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The main objective is to improve the quality of Mediterranean grains by means of different biofortification to obtain micronutrient dense grains. These biofortified grains will improve the nutrition status of the consum-ers, while allowing the producers to offer a more valuable product. On one hand, there is the already known concept ?from soil to seed?...
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LEGU-MED objective is to valorize, restore and manage legume biodiversity in future Mediterranean farming systems with enhanced environmental sustainabil-ity. We have assembled a multi-disciplinary consortium composed by 11 partners from 8 countries and consisting of 5 public universities, 5 research centers and 1 company. Our activities are designed to increase ecosystem services, maintain soil fertility,...
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Il progetto è dedicato all’analisi dei geminivirus che infettano pomodoro e cucurbitaceae, considerati specie invasive ed emergenti, e si occupa del monitoraggio e della prevenzione delle infezioni. Si valuterà il “geminiviroma circolante” attraverso la tecnologia VEM applicata ai vettori di geminivirus raccolti in 5 paesi del Mediterraneo, Francia, Italia, Tunisia Giordania e Marocco. Si valuterà...
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Here, we propose a network-biology based approach to detect and test SMN-independent treatment options. The approval of Spinraza has been a milestone for the treatment of SMA the last years. However, still there are a number of non-responders and many patients have been symptomatic for years. This is a significant problem since a delayed intervention...
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Timely and efficient leaf senescence, which involves reduction of photosynthetic capacity and mobilization of nutrients from leaves to developing seeds, is essential for reproduction in annuals, critically determining yield in annual agricultural crops. Leaf senescence is also a significant eco-evolutionary adaptation in perennial deciduous plants, enabling them to escape or endure seasonal and aseasonal stresses....
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