La cellula al centro del progetto Il progetto CELAVIE crea una rete sinergica tra due sistemi di produzione: quello della riproduzione di specie animali acquatiche e quello delle piante. Tutto in una “cellula” facilmente trasportabile, modulare ed energeticamente autosufficiente. La cellula è infatti un’unità tecnologica che ospita al suo interno sia le piante che i...
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Deadline 31 December 2021 Programme PEIT FOOD Institute ISPA – Institute of Sciences of Food Production Contact Linda Monaci ROLE Coordinator Link Area Nuove frontiere dell’Alimentazione
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ll progetto intende migliorare le conoscenze riguardo i reali impatti dell’ozono sull’ambiente forestale, ad oggi e nel futuro, grazie ai sistemi previsionali ed alle competenze specifiche acquisite dai partner nel corso degli anni, s da poterne prevedere l’evoluzione , ricercare ed adottare contromisure efficaci. Deadline 28 January 2021 Category Programma di Cooperazione INTERREG V-A Francia...
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MITOMED+ is multi-module project combining Testing and Capitalization (M2+M3). It is a follow up of the previous MITOMED project (MED Maritime), which has been working to promote the integrated management of M&C tourism by improving the knowledge of data, products, services through a set of indicators based on the NECSTouR model. MITOMED+ takes farther these...
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Mycorrhizal fungi usually transfer nitrogen and phosphorus to plants, and receive carbohydrates. However, the orchid mycorrhizal symbiosis is unique because the mycorrhizal fungi transfer carbon to the plant, at least during early developmental stages. All orchids are dependent on fungi for seed germination and form mycorrhizae with basidiomycete fungi. Studying orchid mycorrhizal fungi will reveal...
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“Daylighting urban rivers: Science education for civic ecology Deadline 31 December 2021 Programme ERASMUS+ Institute IBE – Institute of Bioeconomy Contact Francesca Martelli ROLE Partner Link Area Multifunzionalità delle produzioni agricole, zootecniche e del settore foresta-legno
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DIGITgame project intends to improve scientific skills and competence through a more effective, innovative teaching methods; we address this goal teaching well defined scientific thematic by a direct involvement of students in understanding/assimilating concepts and applying lesson learned in developing and improving a didactic game with challenges based on the scientific concepts acquired. In order...
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The WaterSTEAM project proposes the development of an innovative and integrated learning methodology for secondary school education, adopting an inquiry-based student-centred and interactive STEAM approach integrated with social and civic awareness, encouraging students to fully participate in social and civic life. Deadline 31 August 2021 Programme ERASMUS+ Institute IBE – Institute of Bioeconomy Contact Francesca...
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The CYAO project aims at improving the Biomass productivity and at producing an economically attractive added-value product, to be employed as bio-colourant in aquaculture. Waste valorisation is not a part of the project, but a fundamental aspect to reduce environmental impact and improve algal plant ecomic viability. Deadline 31/03/2021 Programme Fondazione Cariplo Institute IBBA –...
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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is strongly affected by diet, with red and processed meat increasing risk. To understand the role of microbiome in this phenomenon and to identify specific microbiome/metabolomics profiles associated with CRC risk, we will study: 1) healthy volunteers fed for 3 months with: a high-CRC risk diet (meat-based MBD), a normalized CRC risk...
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