MOTTLES proposes new critical levels for forest protection against Ozone. This issue arises because European standards to protect vegetation from this air pollutant are currently based on O3 concentration in the atmosphere, not on the stomatal ozone fluxes, e.g. how much ozone is effectively taken by plants. The long-term monitoring network established by Mottles will...
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SheepToShip LIFE seeks to contribute in a practical way to EU climate change objectives by helping to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from the sheep farming sector and dairy supply chain in Sardinia. The main objective of the project is to reduce by 20% in 10 years greenhouse gas emissions (nitrous oxide, methane and carbon...
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Lolium spp. populations resistant to ACCase and/or ALS inhibitors have been reported in the three countries involved in the project: L. multiflorum and L. perenne are present in Denmark and Italy, while L. rigidum is found in perennial cropping systems in Italy and Greece. Lolium spp. is a serious weed problem all over Europe and...
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DIGITgame project intends to improve scientific skills and competence through a more effective, innovative teaching methods; we address this goal teaching well defined scientific thematic by a direct involvement of students in understanding/assimilating concepts and applying lesson learned in developing and improving a didactic game with challenges based on the scientific concepts acquired. In order...
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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is strongly affected by diet, with red and processed meat increasing risk. To understand the role of microbiome in this phenomenon and to identify specific microbiome/metabolomics profiles associated with CRC risk, we will study: 1) healthy volunteers fed for 3 months with: a high-CRC risk diet (meat-based MBD), a normalized CRC risk...
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EFSA has been requested to prepare and deliver risk assessments for the commodities that have been listed in the relevant Commission Implementing Regulation 2018/2019 as “High risk plants, plant products and other objects” according to the Regulation (EU) 2016/2031. Deadline 31/05/2021 Programme EFSA Institute IPSP – Institute for sustainable plant protection Contact Francesco Di Serio...
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Fitoplasmi PATATA – Specific request nr. 4for the implementation of FPAwith ref: GP/EFSA/ALPHA/2017/02 ?Lot 5GA 1 Deadline 30/11/2020 Category EFSA/ALPHA/2017/02 Institute IPSP – Institute for sustainable plant protection Contact person Cristina Marzachì Link Role COORDINATOR
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Plant growth and productivity are affected by multiple abiotic stresses. Abiotic stresses such as drought and extreme temperatures are serious threats to agriculture and result in deterioration of the environment. Understanding how plant adapt to freezing temperatures and survive the formation of ice within their tissues has received a wide attention. However, several critical questions...
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ANADIA Niger has the aim to contribute to the development of sustainable agriculture, through the adaptation of production systems to climate change, to render them less vulnerable to extreme events, in order to support food security. To achieve this objective is necessary to strengthen the capacities of the different actors at the national and local...
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Next generation sequencing (NGS) technology has proved to be pivotal for elucidating the complexity and the role of the microbiome associated with plant and animals. The role of the virome as a sub-component of the microbiome is beginning to be unveiled because of new ways to analyse the data and in recognition of its importance...
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